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Eco Ideas

Mothers' Union supports sustainability and ethical products and services. These are a few ideas to help you at home.

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Eco Ideas that we can engage in to help Gods’ planet recover.


There are easy, cheap actions you can take to make a difference. No matter how small, if we all do something, the collective impact will be positive on the planet, ourselves and generations to come.


Recycle – check with your authority – what can you recycle for

a) the kerbside collection

b) the recycle centres


Do you know that Thornbury recycle centre run a shop of items that are too good to be destroyed. You can up cycle here and purchase items for your own use.


Boiler – If needed and possible -

a) upgrade to a more efficient model

b) turn the boiler water/radiator temp down

c) turn down temperature on thermostats


Cleaning products – there are a wide range of non chemical cleaning products for all cleaning jobs. These are not necessarily cheap to buy…….but because I use Eco Eggs in my washing machine, I never add anything into the drawer and the ‘gunk’ never builds up. Your machine will last longer. The negative is that your clothes are a little less soft. You can also buy ‘Eggs’ for your tumble drier to improve efficiency and reduce drying times. Eco Egg/ Ecover/ Freddie/ Ocean Saver/Method/Koh are brand names that I use in my. There are many more available and are worth comparing. Most supermarkets sell a range of these.


Water use – repair leaky taps/only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need/ shower if possible and limit the number of baths you have/short flush your loo as often as you can. If its just you at home only flush once or twice a day. Think about washing up only once a day to conserve water too.

Energy use – switch off unused electric sockets in your home. You soon get used to switching them on for use and then off again after. This helps any ‘latent’ electricity being added to your bill.


Shopping – Where possible shop plastic free…or check if the wrapper can be recycled. Again this can be an area where its not always cheaper to shop….I shop in Lidl at times but I am not able to buy much that is packaging free. Please check if your items are being made by an Ethical company. Modern Day Slavery exists across the world and often can provide you with cheaper clothes and items as an example.

Food waste – compost or kerbside collections of your food waste bin

Charity shops – a great place to take unwanted items and to purchase new ones. You can also upcycle on line with Apps where you can sell and buy clothing and items…..Vinted and Ebay are two apps (phone applications) that I have used.

Plastics - recycle plastics/plastic bags/crisp packets (?) at Tesco/Sainsbury. This may be available at other places but these are the two I use.

Personal use – ‘Lush’ products are all chemical free. Their shampoo bars make my hair squeak and shine. They are worth investigating too. Be selective and appropriate for your personal need. Great for gifts too. There are other similar products in the market place too. Have fun finding out.


Alternative energy sources - there are Government grants available to support you in making your property more Eco friendly. Investigate the .Gov website to see what you can find if you are interested.



Please remember the Bees….our natural pollinators. Consider planting wild flowers to add to your gardens to provide more pollen for the Bees to do their work.


Finally……..prayer is the underlying base to everything we do. Pray for leaders across the world to prioritise Gods planet in all the decisions they make for their countries.

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