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Canterbury Provincial Gathering

Updated: Jul 31

The King’s Centre Oxford June 22nd 2024 Reports/Responses and Homily

Jacky Fredrickson

On 22nd June 2024 the Mothers’ Union in the Canterbury Province held a Provincial day at the King’s centre in Oxford. This was the first of its kind, so there was a degree of uncertainty about how well it would be attended and whether the outlay would be covered by ticket sales. I believe that it was and an impressive number of over 300 people attended from across the Province.

The idea was to provide a day that would be faith led, informative and fun, and to fill a gap as the next Annual gathering in B+I is not until 2026, when the 150th Anniversary will be celebrated.

It was a full day, with presentations and displays from the four Diocese clusters of South East (very slick!) Anglia (very informative), Midlands (great fun) and the South West (rather impromptu, but no less informative)

It included opening prayers, a Midday Eucharist led by Provincial Chaplain Emma Ham-Riche and closing prayers. Other items included an inspiring presentation on Hymns we love’ with Pippa and Steve Cramer and a very entertaining Comedian-Andy Kind. The day concluded with the Provincial President, Kathryn Anderson giving updates and new (which might have been better placed at the start of the day, or at least before the comedian)

I was pleased to have produced some poster pictures of our AFIA trips to Weston for the SW Cluster display, and displayed our Domestic Abuse banner. At extremely short notice I spoke about our support of the homeless through the work of the Blonde Angels. It was well received.

I am indebted to Jim for driving myself, Christine and Helen (from Chipping Sodbury) in comfort and safety. It was a good day!

I now attach short articles from others from Bristol Diocese who were also there. It was lovely to be so well represented.

It was great to be part of a day where we could celebrate and rejoice at all that is accomplished through MU…. there was such a wealth of diverse projects and ideas across the province where we are truly being the hands of Jesus. I loved the mix of worship, fellowship, information & fun. These last two were so fabulously combined in the bingo game from the Midlands Custer. Hilariously yet sensitively presented, this was a great way of learning so much with a constant smile on your face.

Jim Bradshaw

The provincial day seemed to me a great success, with opportunity to discover what other areas are focusing on. Below, Gill speaks about ‘Hymns We Love’ which was a fine presentation on using familiar worship music in innovative ways. The only slight detraction, from an overall successful day of fellowship, worship and inspiration, was the poor scheduling of "Thoughts for Next Year" after Andy Kind's spot, at the end of the afternoon when attendees were getting ready to go home.

SW Cluster presentation

Gill Beer

Just thought I would share my thoughts with you about the 'Provincial Day'. Firstly, I really enjoyed the day and left not just encouraged but proud to be part of Mothers Union because the amount of work that is going on is amazing. A lot of the initiatives are not massive; it has just taken a small group of women to see a need and to step out in faith. However, it was the 'Hymns We Love' session that impressed me. A lot of our churches concentrate on the children and young families which is good and the only way we will keep the churches growing BUT not much is being done for the older people in our communities. This course is designed to introduce the older generation to Christianity or to refresh their long forgotten beliefs. It is not in depth like Alpha, as the sessions only last around 15 minutes and the accompanying DVD has lovely images. It could be used in care / nursing homes or dementia clubs or even Branch meetings etc. It does what it says on the box, it uses well-loved hymns to communicate the core truths of Christianity in a way that is gentle, warm and clear.

I am certainly going to buy a leader’s pack for my Branch / Church and attach the order details below

Valerie Bishop

It was a lovely sunny day when four of Bristol West Deanery set out to drive to Oxford. After a pleasant drive on the M4¸ we reached Oxford and the directions to the Centre were easy to follow. Our destination turned out to be an industrial complex but when we arrived at The King’s Centre we found a wonderful modern Conference Venue. The Reception Desk on arrival greeted us and as we signed in a pre-printed name label was ready to collect. A welcome cup of coffee awaited us, and we sat down to join in with the happy conversations that surrounded us. This

was my first time at such a joyful large gathering of Mother’s Union members.

It was a well-planned day with four Clusters given an opportunity to present the ongoing work of their Dioceses. There were two presentations in the morning and two in the afternoon. Our own Bristol Diocese, part of the South West Cluster, told of their work with the Blonde Angels and Jacky our President received an enthusiastic applause from the Bristol members. ‘Hymns we Love’ a presentation by Pippa and Steve Cramer was also part of the morning session. The Midday Eucharist Service ended the morning session.

It was very moving and inspirational to see so many members receiving the Holy Communion. The afternoon session included an opportunity to relax and enjoy Andy Kind a comedian. This was time to laugh and to have fun, following the serious presentations of the day.

The Provincial President concluded the day by giving an Update and after Any Other Business the meeting closed with prayers and the Grace. There was a happy buzz of friendship and encouragement as members left the complex.

Our little group had a wonderful relaxing drive home through the countryside avoiding the M4!

Jennifer Horgan

I was impressed with the work that is being done with prisoners. I picked up a copy

of the card that was being used for Easter. This was simple but meaningful and

could be used at other Christian Festivals and even during the school holidays when

children may be visiting their parents.

I was also struck by the Sewing Skills for refugees project. This could be used with

young mothers who might learn to re-purpose charity shop finds. (You can tell I’m a

fan of the Sewing Bee.)

I came home buzzing with ideas - all I have to do is find the energy and the people

who might be able to implement the ideas!

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