Heavenly Father, You created us all yet we men have not treated women as their equals. Your Son, Jesus Christ was perhaps the first male feminist in his treatment of women, and in the example he set. His example could be followed my man more men around the world. While as a man I believe that women’s status has improved, they are still not treated as equals in most places.
We pray for the Mothers’ Union and all organisations and individuals who through action or prayer are trying to improve the status of women through equality and equity. Gracious God, guide and support all those supporting the initiative to #EmbraceEquity in whatever way they are able.
Educate men who treat women as second class citizens to the value of women, their ideas and thoughts. Prompt leaders and governments to introduce policies leading to impartiality and equality for women. We do not ask for special treatment. We ask for justice, equality and equitable treatment, to be judged on merit not sex.
Gracious God, bless women of every colour, religion, political persuasion, race, able bodied, differently abled, rich or poor, married or single, old and young. Empower every woman to meet men on equal terms in whatever field of endeavour they choose to pursue.
Lord and Father, on this Women’s Day we pray to you in particular for the women of Ukraine, trying to protect themselves and their families from invasion and war.
We set this prayer before you God and Father in the name of Your Son and of women everywhere.